Just wanted to tell u more about my adventurers as a child
Let's start with my dog Elmo he was a funny dog a loving dog and the best buddy a family could have. There is this really funny story of where we found him, I said we found him on the sidewalk and my mom and sister said we found him at a kennel. And they are right. But the most funny story is on the way right now. It was a very long day for everyone, and it started off like a normal day. My sister took Elmo on his morning walk and me and mom were just hanging out. So all of a sudden we hear screaming so we (my mom) ran out to see what had happened and there was my sis covered in scratches and Elmo under a bush. Apparently they had run into some stray cats and there mom and Elmo got into a fight with them cause he just likes fighting with everything that was bigger than him. So Kelly went to the hospital with my mom while I stayed at a friends house. And that was a bad idea too. Cause the friend was a little troublemaker just like I was back then. We decided to take my bat and ball and take a little walk so we found a car and I took my bat and ball and broke the window of a van and a truck. FYI my mom wAs still gone. So after I broke the window someone called the police and I stayed with them till my mom came back. And I loved the police so I did not think I was in that much trouble. But after that I got grounded and got my bat and ball taken away and not to play with that friend anymore. So all in all that was a horrible day for my mom my sis taken to the hospital and me being arrested or just staying with the police till my
I'm came back at the apartment office. My mom must have said I hope this day never happens again. Love Daryl and rip Elmo
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
My childhood
My childhood was filled with interesting places, and new worlds, strange toys and tantrums in the middle of shopping malls. First I remember going to Tokyo when I was about 5 years old all by myself. Now that was an adventure. I got to have my own personal stertorous to take me to my plane, and I was the first one on I felt famous at that age. It was crazy I also made friends with some nice old ladies who kept me company on the ride over. and whenever I got off the plane and went to pick up my bags they would come over to me and say "oh I hi Daryl" we loved talking to you on the plane. and my Dad would say wow you are so popular. I would go to Japan for a couple of summers at a time and that was very cool. When I got back from Japan to the United States my mom and sister picked me up, they said Daryl how was your trip and I would say there were lots of people and it smelled like fish. somewhere along those lines. They also had this great idea to take me to Disneyland in California shortly after getting off the Airplane from Japan!!!!!! Oh MY goodness now that should have gone in the books for one of the craziest idea in the whole wide world. we also went on the Indiana Jones ride, and I was scared that I was going to die on the ride I was in the front and I was 5 years old thanks Mom and Kelly.
I also remember throwing tantrums in the middle of the store if I did not get the toy that I wanted. I used to throw myself on the ground screaming, throwing things, and kicking. My Mom just tried to pretend she did not know me because people were looking and once there was a police man there. I am way better than that now when I go into a store I behave myself, maybe that is because I don't go with my mom haha. But if my mom goes shopping with me there will be no tantrums.
I have had some very cool interesting toys when I was growing up. Such as I used to have a sandbox that was a Turtle, a Red wagon, and lincon logs which I still have. The most interesting one was my dolly. That thing is scarier than clowns, It had a check missing, arms and legs, and dreads in her hair. Nasty but I loved that dolly with my whole heart and teeth (maybe that is why I had to get Braces for biting holes in her check). Anyway I carried her on the floor, outside and anywhere I went. Then one day her head came off and my mom sewed the head back on and my love for her continued. By this day all that is left of her is an arm and a leg which my dad has or my grammie has in the basement. I always think that she is going to get in my dreams and haunt me to this day lol. Thankfully it has not happened yet........
so my childhood could go on and on for a lot of pages so I will just stop here cause I told you all the good big stuff. Next time my Teenage years stay tuned folks
Daryl Galaxy
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Hello Blog world
I have not been on here for a while, because i have been busy now I will tell you in detail how busy I have been. First of all I had this job that I hated at a car wash and it was gross and loud and mean people. And I was not happy at all, and people were yelling at people and I was like shut up. So I finally had to quit. and now I am so happy. And on top of that i got a job right away working at a hotel called Holiday Inn, as a housekeeper. It is hard work cause you have to go really fast and make the beds, dust, clean and the bathroom etc. But otherwise all the people are really nice and no yelling just a lot of smiling faces. and today I got a 25 dollar tip which is fucking awesome cause that usually never happens. So score. and today I worked by myself and I did all right and I will get better as time goes on,
Practice Makes Perfect. so yeah and I still have my other job working at a daycare and I still love that job just not the teachers, but I need to stick with this job and anyways the kids are way funner to be with. and I have some other news I am going back to college in the fall, to study liberal arts and then transfer to The U OF A to study childcare to become a Kindergarten teacher. so i am super pumped about doing that. Right now it is raining outside and last night there was Lightning and Thunder and rain it was amazing. I am also listening to John Mayer on Spotify, and just loving where I am in my life. Love Galaxy More later in the week, Take Care
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
What a life I have
What a wonderful, confusing, stressful, and peaceful life I have. Lets start off from when I woke up this morning. First of all I am waiting for this phone call that will change my life from now on. So I woke up all confused because I thought they called me and to my surprise, someone else called me. They wanted me to come in for there classroom because she was sick. So that kind of messed up everything. Because she wanted me to go in today so I went in and it was crazy. First I went into my room that I usually work in and they were getting ready to take naps. Let me explain Naptime is crazy with toddlers. They run all over the room, playing with toys and not listening to the teachers. Pretty crazy right!!!!!! So that takes like 20 minutes to pick up all the toys and get them to go to sleep. Sometimes it works and then it does not work, so you have to be patient. Which I have plenty of that. And then that was all I had to do for that person and she came back so I could gather myself back to normal. haha. so I did that and now I am at Caribou Coffee and waiting to go back to work again luckily they are calmer and better off now. Oh the pleasure of working with Kids. bye for now
What a wonderful, confusing, stressful, and peaceful life I have. Lets start off from when I woke up this morning. First of all I am waiting for this phone call that will change my life from now on. So I woke up all confused because I thought they called me and to my surprise, someone else called me. They wanted me to come in for there classroom because she was sick. So that kind of messed up everything. Because she wanted me to go in today so I went in and it was crazy. First I went into my room that I usually work in and they were getting ready to take naps. Let me explain Naptime is crazy with toddlers. They run all over the room, playing with toys and not listening to the teachers. Pretty crazy right!!!!!! So that takes like 20 minutes to pick up all the toys and get them to go to sleep. Sometimes it works and then it does not work, so you have to be patient. Which I have plenty of that. And then that was all I had to do for that person and she came back so I could gather myself back to normal. haha. so I did that and now I am at Caribou Coffee and waiting to go back to work again luckily they are calmer and better off now. Oh the pleasure of working with Kids. bye for now
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
hello there
today is Tuesday February 21 2012. Last night Grand Forks got a blanket of snow about 4 inches and it is hard to get around in but I love it. It is nice and quiet when you walk outside you don't hear people in their cars honking and being complete idiots haha. There is a probably enough snow to build a snowman later in the week when the snow stays and gets harder. Maybe I will do that. I tried taking a picture of the snow falling but it did not work which sucks cause it was beautiful. well anyways I have been applying at places for a full time job and that is taking a lot of my energy but I still have enough to go to work. (some of the time). Right at this moment I am at Starbucks writing and having a coffee till i go to work. oh and I might take classes at Northland Community college in the summer or fall to see what it would be like to take 1 class. well goodbye and have a good rest of your day.
today is Tuesday February 21 2012. Last night Grand Forks got a blanket of snow about 4 inches and it is hard to get around in but I love it. It is nice and quiet when you walk outside you don't hear people in their cars honking and being complete idiots haha. There is a probably enough snow to build a snowman later in the week when the snow stays and gets harder. Maybe I will do that. I tried taking a picture of the snow falling but it did not work which sucks cause it was beautiful. well anyways I have been applying at places for a full time job and that is taking a lot of my energy but I still have enough to go to work. (some of the time). Right at this moment I am at Starbucks writing and having a coffee till i go to work. oh and I might take classes at Northland Community college in the summer or fall to see what it would be like to take 1 class. well goodbye and have a good rest of your day.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
interview and life
I am currently at work and the kids are taking their nap so I am going to do a little wwriting on my blackberry. I recently had an interview at american eagle outfiters last night at the mall and she said she was very impressed with me, so I might get the job. The job description is in the back room putting the clothes on the racks and that is perfect for me. On the weekends she says that you might not get off till 2 in the morning crazy. Its like I would be working in a fashion magazine working that late so yeah I can do it I just need like a monster or red bull before haha. So anyways life has been going pretty good and my apartment is good and work at all about kids is just ok nothing intresting is going on here. It froze last night in grand forks and then I slid in the damm road again and I was not going fast crazy. Well that's all for now more later
Galaxy off
I am currently at work and the kids are taking their nap so I am going to do a little wwriting on my blackberry. I recently had an interview at american eagle outfiters last night at the mall and she said she was very impressed with me, so I might get the job. The job description is in the back room putting the clothes on the racks and that is perfect for me. On the weekends she says that you might not get off till 2 in the morning crazy. Its like I would be working in a fashion magazine working that late so yeah I can do it I just need like a monster or red bull before haha. So anyways life has been going pretty good and my apartment is good and work at all about kids is just ok nothing intresting is going on here. It froze last night in grand forks and then I slid in the damm road again and I was not going fast crazy. Well that's all for now more later
Galaxy off
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
well hello my bloggers from the universe.
this week has been easy and crazy at the same time. the kids in my class are crazy as usual. running around, bad coughs, runny noses and many other things that I dont want to explain. so for this next paycheck I am going to need a lot of money. otherwise than work everything else has been going good. It is still freezing outside here in Nodak, so I dont go out much. but I cant wait till spring when I can go outside and play in the green grass. oh and I have an interview at american eagle outfitter this coming monday so that is exciting. now I am just listening to john mayer in my room and waiting to go back to work, or beeter yet waiting for a package. YAY!!!!!!!!! so that is whats been going on with life till this moment, so see ya later.
this week has been easy and crazy at the same time. the kids in my class are crazy as usual. running around, bad coughs, runny noses and many other things that I dont want to explain. so for this next paycheck I am going to need a lot of money. otherwise than work everything else has been going good. It is still freezing outside here in Nodak, so I dont go out much. but I cant wait till spring when I can go outside and play in the green grass. oh and I have an interview at american eagle outfitter this coming monday so that is exciting. now I am just listening to john mayer in my room and waiting to go back to work, or beeter yet waiting for a package. YAY!!!!!!!!! so that is whats been going on with life till this moment, so see ya later.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
hello bloggers

Galaxy here
it has been a lazy Sunday so far and i am loving it. I got my haircut yesterday and i love it, it feels lighter and sexier. haha. so today i am going outside to take some pictures to show my sister that i really want a nikon camera. like this one. and I will use it everyday and it will give me something fun to do. maybe I can get it for my bday. Or get a full time job at red lobster the place i applied to yesterday, so yeah.
bye bye
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
January 4 2012
Today has been great so far, I did Landry, and cleaned up a little bit. I had an interview last night at Applebees and now I am just waiting for them to call me back. I had to take this really long test and i am nervous about it. i hope i pass with flying colors. haha. well anyways I am working today at All About Kids later and get to hang out with the kids, which should be fun. As long as they don't get into fights and start biting!!!!!!! Now I am listening to U2 on Spotify. It is where you can listen to songs over the internet and Facebook says which songs your friends want you to hear it is very cool. I am pretty bored so I might take a nap.
Today has been great so far, I did Landry, and cleaned up a little bit. I had an interview last night at Applebees and now I am just waiting for them to call me back. I had to take this really long test and i am nervous about it. i hope i pass with flying colors. haha. well anyways I am working today at All About Kids later and get to hang out with the kids, which should be fun. As long as they don't get into fights and start biting!!!!!!! Now I am listening to U2 on Spotify. It is where you can listen to songs over the internet and Facebook says which songs your friends want you to hear it is very cool. I am pretty bored so I might take a nap.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy new year on the second day in January
Yep it is January it came and it is awesome. Grand Forks (the place i live in) got a lot of snow and it is also cold, not like Tucson Arizona (where i grew up) it is like 80 degrees there. In the winter only one explanation global warming. well anyways i lost my job at ground round only after two days which sucks. oh well it was kind of a stupid place, I only ate there once a long time ago and it was not good. so i am in the middle looking for another job, thank god I have my other job working at a child care. what else has been happening in my life? lets see I saw a fire across from my apartment and a lot of firetrucks and police cars came. too bad they were working and i could not talk to them, because i love firefighters. My husband is going to be a firefighter!!!!! well Happy New Years and a have a great 2012
Love Galaxy
Love Galaxy
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