Friday, June 22, 2012

My childhood

My childhood was filled with interesting places, and new worlds, strange toys and tantrums in the middle of shopping malls. First I remember going to Tokyo when I was about 5 years old all by myself. Now that was an adventure. I got to have my own personal stertorous to take me to my plane, and I was the first one on I felt famous at that age. It was crazy I also made friends with some nice old ladies who kept me company on the ride over. and whenever I got off the plane and went to pick up my bags they would come over to me and say "oh I hi Daryl" we loved talking to you on the plane. and my Dad would say wow you are so popular. I would go to Japan for a couple of summers at a time and that was very cool. When I got back from Japan to the United States my mom and sister picked me up, they said Daryl how was your trip and I would say there were lots of people and it smelled like fish. somewhere along those lines. They also had this great idea to take me to Disneyland in California shortly after getting off the Airplane from Japan!!!!!! Oh MY goodness now that should have gone in the books for one of the craziest idea in the whole wide world. we also went on the Indiana Jones ride, and I was scared that I was going to die on the ride I was in the front and I was 5 years old thanks Mom and Kelly. I also remember throwing tantrums in the middle of the store if I did not get the toy that I wanted. I used to throw myself on the ground screaming, throwing things, and kicking. My Mom just tried to pretend she did not know me because people were looking and once there was a police man there. I am way better than that now when I go into a store I behave myself, maybe that is because I don't go with my mom haha. But if my mom goes shopping with me there will be no tantrums. I have had some very cool interesting toys when I was growing up. Such as I used to have a sandbox that was a Turtle, a Red wagon, and lincon logs which I still have. The most interesting one was my dolly. That thing is scarier than clowns, It had a check missing, arms and legs, and dreads in her hair. Nasty but I loved that dolly with my whole heart and teeth (maybe that is why I had to get Braces for biting holes in her check). Anyway I carried her on the floor, outside and anywhere I went. Then one day her head came off and my mom sewed the head back on and my love for her continued. By this day all that is left of her is an arm and a leg which my dad has or my grammie has in the basement. I always think that she is going to get in my dreams and haunt me to this day lol. Thankfully it has not happened yet........ so my childhood could go on and on for a lot of pages so I will just stop here cause I told you all the good big stuff. Next time my Teenage years stay tuned folks Daryl Galaxy

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